Children suffering from early infantile autism

Our research is devoted to children suffering from early infantile autism (RDA). Autism is a pervasive deep (i.e., covering all sides of the psyche) violation of mental development, genetic or exogenous in nature and hinder the normal development of child’s personality. The breach affects all sides of the psyche and causes asynchronous development of mental functions.
The brain of an autistic differently than a healthy person, processes the incoming information. Because of the initially low mental tone, visual, auditory, tactile hypersensitivity, etc. children experience difficulties in processing sensory information. The ability of autistic children to the understanding and interpretation of the surrounding events is limited. Difficulties in understanding social behavior of others and as a consequence communicating with them, arising from early childhood pervert the course of mental development of the child, impede their social adaptation. As a consequence the child appear autistic setup, or dive into the world of personal experiences, loss of contact with the environment. Thus, autism and autism spectrum disorders are a mechanism of escape from a frightening reality, from the difficulties of interacting with it.
Studies show that the incidence of autism is 5 to 20 cases per 10 thousand children, i.e. on the prevalence of autism ranks fourth among the different types of chronic neuro-psychiatric pathologies. However, the urgency of the problem of early children’s autism is due not only to the high frequency of this pathology development, but also a large percentage of the disabled of childhood. Without timely diagnosis and adequate correction of work a significant portion of autistic children becomes not teachable and not adapted to life in society.
Children with autism need continuous psycho-pedagogical support. As shows domestic and foreign experience in conducting early diagnostics and the timely beginning of the correction it is possible to achieve positive results. Most children can be trained to learn and develop their potential talent in various fields of knowledge.
Children with autism differs significantly from other psychopathologies of childhood, and therefore needs the development of special correctional programs. In this context, a clear need to find ways of implementation of psychological and pedagogical support related to the identification of specific personal and educational needs of autistic children and finding ways of correction of their development, learn more on International Adoption Ukraine share you views and experiences.
The work of specialists is based on knowledge of physical, mental, personality, behavioral characteristics, and also constructed according to the specificity of formation of mental processes of autistic children.
Corrective joint efforts of parents, doctors, teachers and psychologists are based on the principles of positive attitudes towards the child and adapt the environment, space and common activities to its features. Depending on the level of development of the nervous system, the knowledge and skills of an autistic child, the nature of his tastes and interests, we create an individual program provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist..
Special methods of training and education help to overcome or reduce the threshold of emotional alienation of the child and to build collaborative activity in the course of three pillars:

  1. the establishment of emotional contact and develop productive forms of cooperation;
  2. building on the basis of the program of social adaptation, as well as systematic work with parents, teaching them effective medical-pedagogical behavior at home;
  3. preparing for school, including the development of new social roles of student, basic writing skills, numeracy, reading, working on the development of attention, memory, imagination, common and fine motor skills, identification and development of creative abilities of children, language development and communication skills.

Integrated correctional program and psychological support of the personality acts as a productive condition of personality development of an autistic child, if:

  1. work with cultural mediators, i.e. teachers, psychologists and parents, with the aim of understanding and acceptance of the characteristics of the child;
  2. create blocks of exercises that develop arbitrary hand mental functions, as well as reflective abilities, self-control and self-awareness;
  3. create a symbolic supports for the implementation of the children self-control and development of their social skills.

Thus, parents, doctors, teachers, psychologists working with autistic children, play the role of a bridge between the child and the world around him, learn more on aspects of international adoption programs. And what will be this bridge: narrow or wide, solid or shaky, is largely dependent on us adults. How can we understand, and most importantly to take osobennosti personality autistic child, will we be able to unite our efforts, to coordinate the actions of various professionals to create a unified program of medical, psychological and pedagogical support depends on the welfare of many children…

3 thoughts on “Children suffering from early infantile autism

  1. Thus self-esteem as the affective component of this unit on there is due to the fact that the cognitive component is perceived by the person not indifferent, but awakens in him the appraisal and emotion, the intensity of which depends on context and on the cognitive content.
    K. Good, M. Sebek in the structure, I selected the following components: global I, procedure I, structural I, and the image of the world, and understanding it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A Mature, developed system is limited and I soldered a Total -global “I”. Global I can be called the Ambassador of the inner side of the individual. It is the center of personality, it represents the mental processes, States, feelings, desires, goals, etc. Global I includes all the cognitive, emotional, volitional functions simultaneously and has a way world, as well as self-image and self-understanding. The global structure I can be represented as:
    1. Procedure I.
    2. Structural I,
    3. The image of the world and understanding it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. At unfavorable vulnerability, laziness, aggressiveness, pessimism, restraint, passivity.
    Favorable psychological climate contributes to the best mastering of a teaching material Junior in high school and the full development of his personality, therefore, creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom is an important component of pedagogical work, as psychologically healthy, creative, self-confident people are of special value to modern society.
    Unhealthy psychological environment inhibits the development of children’s collective and the individual in it, as it is related to a predominance of negative emotions.
    The ways of forming and maintaining psychological climate is similar to the methods of formation and management of children’s groups and Vice versa. Any team is a community of people with socially useful goals, joint activities, personal and group interests, conscious and sustainable organization of his life, and psychological climate, on the one hand, reflects and determines the nature of interactions between team members.
    Knowledge of the ways of formation of psychological climate and team control is necessary for primary school teachers. Him due to age features of children and specifics of pedagogical work (a large amount of time the teacher spends with the class in the system “teacher-class”, high credibility of the teacher for children, children sensitive to external influences) is most subject to control mechanisms of these phenomena, and, therefore, bear the entire burden of responsibility for the quality of psychological climate.
    To the conditions that determine the efficiency of the impact of primary school teachers on psychological climate in the children’s group include:
    personal qualities of a teacher (openness, openness to children, sense of humor, initiative, sociability, creativity)
    professional qualities of a teacher (theoretical and methodological arms).
    orientation of the teacher on the emotional comfort of students, which is a consequence of personal and professional readiness of the teacher to actions, forming a favourable psychological climate.

    Liked by 1 person


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