The Man himself is the architect of his own happiness


There is an opinion that people can build their happiness. This is often mentioned to us the proverb: “the Man himself is the architect of his own happiness”, “Happiness under the callus lies”, “Happiness is not in your wallet, happiness is in your hands”.
However, a more widespread view of happiness as luck, random luck, and it suggests that happiness does not depends on the person. Refer to the thought of Aristotle.
“The crowd thinks that the happy life is life lucky or not without success; and she is probably right, because without external goods, which are sent by random luck, you can’t be happy. No one can say that randomness is the nature. There, where nature is the cause of something, every time she produces mostly the same, the coincidence is not so, but randomly, haphazardly, and why it is spoken about the case in relation to these things. Not say that randomness is something like a mind or correct reasoning, because in them is no less orderliness, and immutability, but not the case visit international adoption community. Maybe random luck is some concern the gods? Or, perhaps, you must not think that? God, we recognize that mastery over such things and distributes good and evil according to merit; however, an accident resulting from chance encounter truly a coincidence. If we suppose that God distributes randomly, then acknowledge his wrong or unjust judge. And this God is not customary.” (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 359). Reflecting on this, Aristotle drew attention to the fact that neither fair nor brave, virtuous or anyone else not called lucky, since justice and courage, like any virtue, depend on the efforts of the man himself. Thus, the word “successful” has many meanings see more at International Adoption channel news: we are called fortunate who, contrary to his calculations had a chance to do something good, and who instead of the expected loss a profit.
“So, the luck is that we get good, how did not expect, and not being evil, what was waiting. Thus to obtain the good characteristic of random luck to get something good is a Fluke in its purest form; not to be subjected to the same evil – happy previtamin. Random luck, thus is the nature of acting thoughtless.” (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 359).
From this good luck must be distinguished another, more closely connected with happiness, “at which the man laid by the original impulse to the benefits”. (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 359).
Coincidences in our life, there are many, and they are different. There are numerous circumstances proving favourable. They make our life more happy and joyful, and to use them “perfect and upright”. (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 71). Such eventualities are identified with many luck, happiness as such. But in life often happen, on the contrary, adverse events that constrain and overshadow our lives, bringing suffering or sorrow. Therefore, you can make quite a bold conclusion: randomness in pure form, are pleasing or overshadow us, have on the lifetime of the average person is quite little impact.
That “smile of destiny” or luck, by themselves, do not constitute happiness, is confirmed by the psychological fact that not everyone who was “lucky” (a remarkable impersonal form of the verb used here), going through what happened as happiness. Meanwhile the experience, the feeling of happiness is essential last. Happiness is such, if it is perceived with all the soul of man as something bright and comprehensive. That is, it fills all of the space, making the experience a higher octave of joy, leaving the person not only filled pleasure, but also inducing them to radiate around the vibration of joy and goodness. Subject of happiness research and articles content provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.

3 thoughts on “The Man himself is the architect of his own happiness

  1. Developmental psychology aims to explain developmental changes occurring with children and adults. It has its own special method of research, which is to evaluate those biological and social processes that form both stable and changing features of human behavior throughout their lives. The Central phenomena of this science can be considered as different forms of mental organization periods in life.
    The specificity of the approaches of age periodization is the ratio of biological and social in the formation of the psyche and, as a consequence, the profile of those moments of transition from a stage to another. Some theories for defining the development dimension take natural beginning, some social, some say that the biological development of social retopologize. However, all these positions do not explain the process of development, i.e., those qualitative changes, which separate one stage from another.
    The specificity of the process of development is a qualitative change in the structure of the psyche, when there is a complete restructuring of its former components and newly acquired, resulting in a qualitatively new substrate, a new holistic quality education. This occurs under the influence of some launchers the biological mechanisms that change the social situation of development of the person (child). That is occurring in the growth process, new material structures lead to initially a biological need to maintain homeostasis of the organism. As a result – old ways of life (including mental) cannot perform this function. There is a need to change the way of interaction with the environment, in this case, with society, because it defines the whole range of manifestations of human activity. Thus, the person changes the nature of its social activity to meet new needs.
    The consequence of this is the changing social status of the person. This fact is critical in the problem of crises is not only an adult but also a child, a teenager and an elderly person.
    Thus it is necessary to separate the crises of development of age periodization. What is usually meant under age crises, is, actually, the stages of age development. Since the crisis, by itself, is not a border or feature.
    Crisis is the moment when a person has no tools (mental) to meet their needs or achieve any goal, solve any problem, that is, when he opens the content, it still may not convert.
    In the age periodization of the crisis serves as a “indicator” of development, i.e., “the time has come when material structure is formed and method of existence of opportunities not found”. But that in and of themselves manifestations of the crisis are not over, because crises can occur not only within the directly age development, but also as a social phenomenon.
    The latter is indicative of the nature of life of an adult.
    Early adulthood is a time of transition from juvenile status to adult status full. In fact, all of the material mental structures necessary for full “inclusion” to active social reality is formed. Now the main task of man is to gain those social skills that are necessary to maintain homeostasis following order, social (occupation, social status, family life, children).
    Those crises that occur in humans in early adulthood can be defined as:
    A) normative (defining the age periodization);
    B) social (located in the regulatory framework, but differing from them, so specific to early adulthood);
    C) offensive (crises arising from the inability to overcome any “unusual” hardships: the death of a relative, friend; war; natural disaster, etc.). Thus, we isolated the crises that are specific to early adulthood.
    It should be noted that any neutralization of the crises themselves cannot be real, because the crisis is not a negative phenomenon (though accompanied by some negative emotional expression), a crisis is a time of disclosure possibilities. People can overcome it and, thereby, to enter into a new reality, and can not overcome and within all those opportunities that can not meet various human needs (physiological, mental – cognitive, etc.).
    In this regard, as such the treatment of crises we are not relevant. Inasmuch as the result of a passing crisis is the new way of operating any content, as part of therapy, it seems to us possible the creation of this type of training that would allow its participants to find means to overcome crises.

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  2. A Mature person is one who feels responsible for other people, future generation, feels the need to care about other people, able to actively participate in public life, to psychological intimacy with another person, to a constructive resolution of life problems and the most complete self-realization.
    Considering all the above we can conclude: in the middle of his life a person goes through a difficult, critical stage, during which he has serious inner work, rethinking of attitudes, the correction of the prevailing attitude towards the world and yourself. Some people need help to overcome a critical situation. But, almost all the necessary knowledge about this age and accompanying him to the crisis. It is very important that people understood what was happening to him and what he provided opportunities for further development. As Eastern wisdom says: he who does not able to appreciate all the virtues of his age, doomed to experience all its flaws.

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  3. However, some authors believe that crises are a necessary and indispensable condition for further development. So E. Erickson writes “the crisis is not a threat of catastrophe but a turning point, and thus the ontogenetic source of power…”.
    Each psychosocial crisis contains both positive and negative components. So, if the individual fails to resolve the crisis, it harms the person and have negative qualities, for example (according to Erickson) – basal distrust or guilt. If a person resolves a crisis (positive overcomes her), he becomes something new, something that never existed in the previous stages (basal confidence or initiative), to become more Mature and adaptive identity.
    Mostly well-researched child and adolescent crises, and crises of Mature life and old age is much less studied. And it was the middle of the living people reach a certain social status, power, receive the ability to control other people. The average age of the heads of state all over the world for about 50 years.
    It is known that in adulthood such turning points occur more rarely; and the reorganization of consciousness and reorientation to new life goals and values are, as a rule, more hidden. Basic research in this field has been conducted: e Erickson, S. Bullara, P. Jean, B. Livergood.
    Closer to the middle of his life he begins to feel a discrepancy between their ideal plans and existing reality. And the person suddenly realizes that a lot has no time, can’t do that many ideas will not be realized. The crisis of middle age is to develop a new “self” image, redefining life goals, correction of habitual worldview. Achievement of a person who has overcome a mid-life crisis, is maturity.
    Maturity is the period of ontogeny, characterized by the tendency to achieve the highest development of spiritual, intellectual and physical abilities.
    So Livehood believes that human development – the main goal – the transition to adulthood.

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